Spring 2025 Writing UN3328 section 001



Call Number 17889
Day & Time
R 6:10pm-8:00pm
201B Philosophy Hall
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Soren Stockman
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

Inspired by the Jim Carroll book of the same name, this class will examine the persona poem form specifically through the lens of film and television, focusing on how style, atmosphere and character translate from visual media to poetry. We will examine and discuss persona poems based on movie/television characters, writing the self into movies/television, and writing movie/television characters into personal experience. We will generate ideas and/or drafts of our own, centering the following questions, among others:

How do you create, sustain, and complicate tone without sacrificing clarity? How does a character transcend space/time limits to evolve from a first introduction to a cherished and known persona in a constrained space, whether that constraint be a 90-minute film or a 16-line poem? Which tensions accelerate and/or stifle character development, and which tensions permit a persona the most accessible, familiar, or surprising presence for a reader? What differentiates movie stars or actors from literary protagonists? Why are movies “cool,” how has “cool” evolved in film, and how do we render “cool” in poems, for the purpose of deepening the poem? What separates sentimentality from earnestness in film versus poetry?

The class is structured as a hybrid seminar/workshop: we will spend our time in class discussing assigned texts, visual media, and the connections and divergences between the two, as well as crafting our own poetic responses and interpretations and sharing them in a workshop format. Source material will include poetry that is persona-based in perspective or subject, film and television prompts, and field trips to meaningful NYC literary and/or filmic landmarks. We will explore possibilities in poetry to evoke and render common filmic techniques such as the tracking shot, the closeup, the montage, and others.

Web Site Vergil
Department Writing
Enrollment 9 students (15 max) as of 9:06PM Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Subject Writing
Number UN3328
Section 001
Division School of the Arts
Section key 20251WRIT3328W001