Spring 2024 Wealth Management PS5300 section D01


Call Number 12960
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Stephen Bodurtha
Method of Instruction On-Line Only
Course Description

The Investment Planning course explores the essential principles of investing and how to apply them wisely as
wealth advisors. Students will examine how investment wisdom and theory has evolved – from the insights of
Benjamin Graham to Modern Portfolio Theory, the Capital Asset Pricing Model, factor-based investing and more --
and identify how these theories can be utilized as a framework for understanding and using investments of the present and future. Students will calculate and apply mathematical formulas to learn how to manage risk and return in investment portfolios. This course will compare and contrast each of the major asset classes, ranging from cash and near-cash investments to public and private equity, debt and alternative investments. Students will learn how to apply investment skills to deliver and demonstrate value to clients, net of fees and adjusted risk. In addition, this course will emphasize the parallel development of investment knowledge and communication and counseling skills to conduct investment relationships with clients effectively.

Web Site Vergil
Department Wealth Management
Enrollment 30 students (31 max) as of 8:06PM Monday, March 10, 2025
Subject Wealth Management
Number PS5300
Section D01
Division School of Professional Studies
Open To Professional Studies
Section key 20241WMGT5300KD01