Spring 2025 Visual Arts UN3010 section 001


Call Number 15111
Day & Time
R 10:00am-4:00pm
To be announced
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Diana Cooper
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

Prerequisites: (VIAR UN1000) (Formerly R3515) This course approaches drawing as an experimental and expressive tool. Students will explore the boundaries between drawing and sculpture and will be encouraged to push the parameters of drawing. Collage, assemblage and photomontage will be used in combination with more traditional approaches to drawing. The class will explore the role of the imagination, improvisation, 3-dimensional forms, observation, memory, language, mapping, and text. Field trips to artists’ studios as well as critiques will play an important role in the course. The course will culminate in a final project in which each student will choose one or more of the themes explored during the semester and create a series of artworks. This course is often taught under the nomenclature Drawing II - Mixed Media.

Web Site Vergil
Department Visual Arts
Enrollment 9 students (18 max) as of 11:06AM Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Subject Visual Arts
Number UN3010
Section 001
Division School of the Arts
Open To Schools of the Arts, Barnard College, Columbia College, Engineering:Undergraduate, Global Programs, General Studies, Professional Studies
Fee $80 Visual Arts Course
Note First class attendance is mandatory.
Section key 20251VIAR3010R001