Spring 2025 Visual Arts UN3302 section 001


Call Number 15120
Day & Time
T 10:00am-4:00pm
315 Prentis Hall at 632 W 125th St
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Cal Siegel
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

Prerequisites: VIAR R2300. (Formerly R3332) Sculpture III is an invitation for immersive sculpting. The class will explore the idea of experiences and construction of contexts as central research topics. The class becomes a laboratory space to explore various techniques to heighten body awareness and spatial sensibility. Through assignments and workshops, the students will practice how to digest these sensory experiences through their studio practice. Historical precedents for art outside the usual mediums and venues will be our reference points to investigate how our own work may take part in a generative process that evolves the definition of sculpture. The assignments in the first half of the semester point the students to performance, site specificity, and sound, that utilize New York Citys odd spots and professionals. While building such common experiential platforms, the class will also build language for a dialogic space, through weekly in-class discussions lead by the instructor, guests, and rotating panels of the students. As the semester progresses, the emphasis will gradually be shifted from experiential learning to intensive studio work on a final project, where the students are asked to pay close attention to how various methods and fields of subjects combine. The resulting project has to be the best work you have ever done. If the class is full, please visit http://arts.columbia.edu/undergraduate-visual-arts-program.

Web Site Vergil
Department Visual Arts
Enrollment 0 students (2 max) as of 2:06PM Sunday, February 9, 2025
Subject Visual Arts
Number UN3302
Section 001
Division School of the Arts
Open To Schools of the Arts, Barnard College, Columbia College, Engineering:Undergraduate, Global Programs, General Studies, Professional Studies
Fee $125 Visual Arts Course
Note First class attendance is mandatory.
Section key 20251VIAR3302Q001