Spring 2025 Visual Arts UN3301 section 001


Call Number 15119
Day & Time
T 10:00am-4:00pm
315 Prentis Hall at 632 W 125th St
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Cal Siegel
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

Prerequisites: VIAR UN2300 or the instructors permission. (Formerly R3331) Continuation of VIAR UN2300. The objective of the class is to engage in in-depth research and hands on studio projects related to a specific theme to be determined by each student. Each student is expected to complete class with four fully realized and thematically linked works. Wood, metal, and plaster will be provided for this class but video, sound, performance and various mixed media approaches are highly encouraged. In addition, lecture and field trips will be part of the course. If the class is full, please visit http://arts.columbia.edu/undergraduate-visual-arts-program.

Web Site Vergil
Department Visual Arts
Enrollment 7 students (7 max) as of 9:06PM Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Status Full
Subject Visual Arts
Number UN3301
Section 001
Division School of the Arts
Open To Schools of the Arts, Barnard College, Columbia College, Engineering:Undergraduate, Global Programs, General Studies, Professional Studies
Fee $125 Visual Arts Course
Note First class attendance is mandatory
Section key 20251VIAR3301Q001