Fall 2024 Technology Management PS5114 section 001

Practices in Design and Innovation

Pract in Design and Innov

Call Number 15413
Day & Time
T 6:10pm-8:00pm
326 Uris Hall
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Allan Chochinov
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

Design is at the core of every innovation. It’s the visual, experiential, and strategic medium through which ideas transform into tangible and digital products, service platforms, experiences, and consequences. This course is a comprehensive exploration of the methods, vocabulary, challenges, and opportunities of design-led innovation. It demystifies how business and design intersect through the lens of innovation, and is foundational for anyone seeking to generate positive social and economic outcomes.

Students experience the course through interconnected paths—interrogating contemporary issues in design and business while simultaneously moving a chosen project through a sequence of hands-on design sprints. These sprints cover everything from ideation and visualization to journey mapping, prototyping, user testing, and branding of their own unique ideas. Participants will emerge with a critical and reusable toolkit for both understanding the innovation process and effectively leading creative teams.

Topics include: Design Thinking; User-Centered Design; Business Value of Design; Problem Framing; Systems Mapping; User Journey Mapping; Ambiguity and Complexity; Liberatory Design Practices; The Impact of AI; Design Ethics; Sustainability, Wicked Problems; Design Futuring and speculative design.

Web Site Vergil
Department Technology Management
Enrollment 59 students (60 max) as of 1:05PM Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Subject Technology Management
Number PS5114
Section 001
Division School of Professional Studies
Note TMGT In-Person Students Only
Section key 20243TMGT5114K001