Call Number | 00411 |
Day & Time Location |
MW 10:10am-11:25am 203 Diana Center |
Points | 4 |
Grading Mode | Standard |
Approvals Required | None |
Instructor | Yizhou Huang |
Type | LECTURE |
Course Description | This course undertakes a dialectical approach to reading and thinking about the history of dramatic theatre, interrogating the ways writing inflects, and is inflected by, the material dynamics of performance in the modern era. Course undertakes careful study of the practices of performance, and of the sociocultural, economic, political, and aesthetic conditions animating representative performances in theatres globally; course will also emphasize development of important critical concepts for the analysis of drama, theatre, and performance. Topics include the sociology of theatre, the impact of print on conceptions of performance, representing gender and race, the politics of intercultural performance, and the dynamics of emerging forms and critical practices of performance analysis. Writing: 2-3 papers; Reading: 1-2 plays, critical and historical reading per week; final examination. Fulfills one (of two) lecture requirements for Theatre/Drama and Theatre Arts majors. |
Web Site | Vergil |
Department | Theatre @Barnard |
Enrollment | 34 students (40 max) as of 9:06AM Sunday, March 9, 2025 |
Subject | Theatre |
Number | UN3151 |
Section | 001 |
Division | Barnard College |
Open To | Barnard College, Columbia College, Engineering:Undergraduate, General Studies |
Section key | 20251THTR3151V001 |