Spring 2025 Sustainability Management PS5155 section 002



Call Number 12213
Day & Time
T 6:10pm-8:00pm
606 Martin Luther King Building
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Travis Bradford
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

Existing energy sources and the infrastructures that deliver them to users around the world are undergoing a period of rapid change. Limits to growth, rapidly fluctuating raw material prices, and the emergence of new technology options all contribute to heightened risk and opportunity in the energy sector. The purpose of this course is to establish a core energy skill set for energy students and prepare them for more advanced energy courses by providing a basic language and toolset for understanding energy issues.

Using theoretical and practical understanding of the process by which energy technologies are developed, financed, and deployed, this course seeks to highlight the root drivers for change in the energy industry, the technologies that are emerging, and the factors that will determine success in their commercialization. Understanding these market dynamics also informs good policy design and implementation to meet a broad range of social welfare goals.

Upon completing the course, students should not only understand the nature of conventional and emerging energy generation and delivery, but also the tools for determining potential winners and losers and the innovative pathways to drive their further deployment.

Web Site Vergil
Department Sustainability Management
Enrollment 37 students (40 max) as of 9:06AM Monday, February 10, 2025
Subject Sustainability Management
Number PS5155
Section 002
Division School of Professional Studies
Note Graduate Students Only
Section key 20251SUMA5155K002