Fall 2024 Sustainability Management PS5135 section AU1



Call Number 19436
Day & Time
T 6:10pm-8:00pm
Points 0
Grading Mode Ungraded
Approvals Required None
Instructor Thomas Sahagian
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

Energy Management is the cornerstone of any sustainability initiative. The generation, distribution, and use of energy has a profound, continuous, and global impact on natural resources, societal structure, and geopolitics. How energy is used has significant repercussions on an organizations cash flow and profitability. For these reasons, energy issues tend to be the fulcrum upon which sustainability programs hinge.

The ability to identify and articulate organizational benefits from energy savings tied to efficiency improvements and renewable energy projects is a requisite skill set for all sustainability managers.

This course will provide real-world information on energy management issues from a practitioner's perspective. Through lectures, problem sets, and readings students will learn how to manage energy audits, analyze building energy performance, and evaluate the energy use and financial impacts of potential capital and operations improvements to building systems. The class will focus on understanding energy issues from a building owner’s perspective, with discussions also examining energy issues from the perspective of utility companies, energy generators, and policy makers.

Best practice in energy management will always involve some level of complex engineering to survey existing conditions and predict energy savings from various improvement options. Sustainability managers need to understand how to manage and quality control these analyses and to translate to decision makers the opportunity they reveal. This course seeks to empower students to do that by providing an understanding of building systems and methods for quantitatively analyzing the potential benefit of various energy improvements.

Web Site Vergil
Department Auditing
Enrollment 2 students (2 max) as of 5:06PM Monday, February 10, 2025
Status Full
Subject Sustainability Management
Number PS5135
Section AU1
Division School of Professional Studies
Section key 20243SUMA5135KAU1