Spring 2024 Sustainability Management PS5035 section D01



Call Number 12192
Day & Time
M 6:10pm-8:00pm
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Jeffrey M Irvine
Method of Instruction On-Line Only
Course Description

Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are now at a record high, and the world’s scientific community agrees that continued unabated release of greenhouse gases will have catastrophic consequences. Many efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions, both public and private, have been underway for decades, yet it is now clear that collectively these efforts are failing, and that far more concerted efforts are necessary. In December 2015, the world’s nations agreed in Paris to take actions to limit the future increase in global temperatures well below to 2°C, while pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5°C. Achieving this goal will require mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors, both public and private. Critical to any attempt to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions is a clear, accurate understanding of the sources and levels of greenhouse gas emissions. This course will address all facets of greenhouse gas emissions accounting and reporting and will provide students with tangible skills needed to direct such efforts in the future.

Students in this course will gain hands-on experience designing and executing greenhouse gas emissions inventories for companies, financial institutions and governments employing all necessary skills including the identification of analysis boundaries,  data collection, calculation of emissions levels, and reporting of results. In-class workshops and exercises will complement papers and group assignments. A key component of this course will be critical evaluation of both existing accounting and reporting standards as well as GHG emissions reduction target setting practices.

This course will introduce many of the challenges facing carbon accounting practitioners and will require students to recommend solutions to these challenges derived through critical analysis. Classes will examine current examples of greenhouse gas reporting efforts and will allow students the opportunity to recommend improved calculation and reporting methods.


Web Site Vergil
Department Sustainability Management
Enrollment 30 students (40 max) as of 9:05PM Monday, March 10, 2025
Subject Sustainability Management
Number PS5035
Section D01
Division School of Professional Studies
Open To SIPA, Professional Studies
Note THIS SECTION IS ONLINE - Graduate Students Only
Section key 20241SUMA5035KD01