Fall 2023 Statistics UN3105 section 001



Call Number 13341
Day & Time
MW 2:40pm-3:55pm
717 Hamilton Hall
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Alex Pijyan
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description Prerequisites: At least one, and preferably both, of STAT UN2103 and UN2104 are strongly recommended. Students without programming experience in R might find STAT UN2102 very helpful. This course is intended to give students practical experience with statistical methods beyond linear regression and categorical data analysis. The focus will be on understanding the uses and limitations of models, not the mathematical foundations for the methods. Topics that may be covered include random and mixed-effects models, classical non-parametric techniques, the statistical theory causality, sample survey design, multi-level models, generalized linear regression, generalized estimating equations and over-dispersion, survival analysis including the Kaplan-Meier estimator, log-rank statistics, and the Cox proportional hazards regression model. Power calculations and proposal and report writing will be discussed.
Web Site Vergil
Department Statistics
Enrollment 39 students (86 max) as of 5:08PM Saturday, September 7, 2024
Subject Statistics
Number UN3105
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Open To Barnard College, Columbia College, Engineering:Undergraduate, General Studies
Section key 20233STAT3105W001