Spring 2025 Spanish UN3350 section 002



Call Number 17346
Day & Time
MW 1:10pm-2:25pm
303 Hamilton Hall
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Javiera Irribarren Ortiz
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description This course surveys cultural production of Spain and Spanish America from the eighteenth to the twenty-first centuries. Students will acquire the knowledge needed for the study of the cultural manifestations of the Hispanic world in the context of modernity. Among the issues and events studied will be the Enlightenment as ideology and practice, the Napoleonic invasion of Spain, the wars of Spanish American independence, the fin-de-siecle and the cultural avant-gardes, the wars and revolutions of the twentieth century (Spanish Civil War, the Mexican and Cuban revolutions), neoliberalism, globalization, and the Hispanic presence in the United States. The goal of the course is to study some key moments of this trajectory through the analysis of representative texts, documents, and works of art. Class discussions will seek to situate the works studied within the political and cultural currents and debates of the time. All primary materials, class discussion, and assignments are in Spanish. This course is required for the major and the concentration in Hispanic Studies.
Web Site Vergil
Department Latin American and Iberian Cultures
Enrollment 15 students (15 max) as of 8:06PM Monday, March 10, 2025
Status Full
Subject Spanish
Number UN3350
Section 002
Division Interfaculty
Section key 20251SPAN3350W002