Spring 2025 Spanish UN3300 section 022



Call Number 00538
Day & Time
TR 11:40am-12:55pm
To be announced
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Maria E Lozano
Course Description

Prerequisites: SPAN UN2102 or AP score of 4 or 5; or SAT score. An intensive exposure to advanced points of Spanish grammar and structure through written and oral practice, along with an introduction to the basic principles of academic composition in Spanish. Each section is based on the exploration of an ample theme that serves as the organizing principle for the work done in class (Please consult the Directory of Classes for the topic of each section.) This course is required for the major and the concentration in Hispanic Studies. Formerly SPAN W3200 and SPAN BC3004. If you have taken either of these courses before you cannot take SPAN UN3300. All Columbia students must take Spanish language courses (UN 1101-3300) for a letter grade.

Web Site Vergil
Department Spanish and Latin American Culture
Enrollment 15 students (15 max) as of 11:06AM Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Status Full
Subject Spanish
Number UN3300
Section 022
Division Barnard College
Fee $15 Language Resource
Note Pre-Req: SPAN UN 2102 / PLCMNT EXAM / AP SPAN 4 OR 5 / SAT
Section key 20251SPAN3300W022