Fall 2024 Spanish UN2104 section 001

Intermediate Spanish II: Topics on Clima

Intermediate Spanish II

Call Number 14727
Day & Time
TRF 10:10am-11:25am
318 Hamilton Hall
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Francisca Aguilo Mora
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This is an intensive course in Spanish language communicative competence with an emphasis on oral interaction, reading, writing, and culture at an Intermediate II level focused on climate discourse and environmental topics. Prerequisites: SPAN UN2101 (Intermediate Spanish I) or a score of 450-625 on the Department’s placement examination. This course fulfills the last semester of the foreign language requirement. After SPAN UN2104, students can continue learning Spanish and its cultures in SPAN UN3300.

This transdisciplinary course blends together Spanish language/s, Hispanic cultures, and climate in the field of the broadly defined ‘Climate Humanities’. It examines how climate change is discursively framed in the media, literature, and other cultural productions in the Spanish-speaking world including the US. We will explore how it becomes reframed as it travels from the scientific sphere to the social spaces where public opinion is negotiated, and how those linguistic and textual strategies shape and are shaped by the political economy of climate debates, that is, by the specific geopolitical and social positions of the different stake-holders. The purpose of this course is, first, to explore the possibilities of a new space at the interface between language/sociolinguistics, cultural studies, and environmental discourse to raise awareness of the challenges faced when we position ourselves outside of our communities of scholarly practice. Secondly, the course aims at providing students with tools to perform a mediating role between specialized knowledge production in Spanish and the public. From a multiliteracies framework, we will offer a language and content-based course with spaces for discussion of key emerging issues related to environmental justice using a critical discourse methodology while we continue honing students’ skills in Spanish through climate-related vocabulary and usage-based grammar.  

Web Site Vergil
Department Latin American and Iberian Cultures
Enrollment 14 students (15 max) as of 8:35PM Friday, January 17, 2025
Subject Spanish
Number UN2104
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Fee $15 Language Resource
Note Intermediate Spanish II: Topics on Climate Discourse SPAN U
Section key 20243SPAN2104W001