Summer 2024 Sociomedical Sciences P8910 section 001

Introduction to Race and Health


Call Number 12703
Points 1
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructors Robert E Fullilove
Ivy S Chen
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

It is widely acknowledged that as a variable, 'race' often explains a significant portion of the variation we observe in patterns of morbidity and mortality. But it isalso understood that race is a socially determined construct that functions as a proxy for a host of other variables associated with, among others, socioeconomic status, culture, place of residence, and position within social networks. The question that we will explore together is how to deconstruct ‘race’ to understand what factor or group of factors create the patterns of health disparities that are so dramatically present among populations of color here in the US. COVID-19 has exploited these factors tocreate a burden of disease in many communities of color that will substantially impact medicine and public health for much of the foreseeable future.One of the issues of particular salience for medical and public health research is how to go beyond describing the correlation between race and health to create effective interventions for eliminating such disparities. How can our exploration of health disparities generate the levers that we can use to promote health and prevent disease? How well do our explanatory models of race and health provide us with the tools to eliminate disparities and create a system dedicated to creating and preserving health equity?

Web Site Vergil
Subterm 07/01-08/09 (B)
Department Biostatistics
Enrollment 19 students (20 max) as of 10:06AM Saturday, February 22, 2025
Subject Sociomedical Sciences
Number P8910
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Open To Public Health
Section key 20242SOSC8910P001