Fall 2023 Sociology BC3248 section 001

Race, Ethnicity, and Education in the US


Call Number 00734
Day & Time
TR 1:10pm-2:25pm
LL104 Diana Center
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Andrew S Anastasi
Course Description

This course explores the sociology and history of race and racism, ethnicity and ethnocentrism, and unequal access to education in the United States through readings, films, audio, and multimedia. Experiences of students in public and private K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and alternative and informal educational settings will be considered. Movements by students and communities to fight discrimination and injustice, demand equal opportunities and resources, and to realize the promise of education as a means of achieving personal and collective liberation will also be examined. Case studies may include: boarding schools for Indigenous children; Reconstruction-era public schools; the settlement house movement; Freedom Schools of the Civil Rights Movement; the Black Panther Party’s educational initiatives; community-controlled schools; Black, Mexican American, Puerto Rican, and Ethnic Studies programs; urban educational reform, public school closures, and charter schools; the school-to-prison pipeline; standardized testing and advanced placement courses; and more. 

Web Site Vergil
Department Sociology @Barnard
Enrollment 45 students (45 max) as of 7:07PM Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Status Full
Subject Sociology
Number BC3248
Section 001
Division Barnard College
Section key 20233SOCI3248X001