Fall 2024 Psychology UN3820 section 001

Science of Well-Being & Human Potential

Well-Being and Human Pote

Call Number 12112
Day & Time
M 12:10pm-2:00pm
253 Engineering Terrace
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Scott B Kaufman
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

What does it mean to reach your full potential? Can science inform how you can live your own best life? The main mission of this seminar is to provide an up-to-date understanding of theoretical, empirical, and applied advances in the science of well-being and human potential. Consideration will be given to conflicting viewpoints and their respective empirical support. The course is grounded in the core principles of humanistic psychology, and will cover essential human needs, including security, growth, mindfulness, connection, self-esteem, love, creativity, character, resiliency, purpose, flow, gratitude, awe, and other forms of transcendence. We will also cover the latest science of human performance, including the development of intelligence, talent, and creativity. Throughout this seminar you will engage in experiential learning and practical exercises to further help you nurture what’s best within you— and become a whole person— which will inform our theoretical and empirical understanding of the latest scientific findings. My hope is that in addition to enhancing your appreciation of how the scientific method can increase your understanding of human potential more generally, the exercises and readings in this course will also help you in your own personal journey to realize your greatest strengths and become more fully human— accepting and becoming flexible with the totality of who you are, so that you can become the person you most want to become.

Web Site Vergil
Department Psychology
Enrollment 21 students (22 max) as of 9:05PM Monday, March 10, 2025
Subject Psychology
Number UN3820
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Section key 20243PSYC3820W001