Call Number | 16165 |
Day & Time Location |
M 4:00pm-6:50pm 1402 Vagelos Educ |
Points | 3 |
Grading Mode | Standard |
Approvals Required | None |
Instructor | Helen de Pinho |
Type | LECTURE |
Method of Instruction | In-Person |
Course Description | It is widely acknowledged that reducing maternal mortality is one of the major challenges to health systems globally. The increased diversity in the magnitude and causes of maternal mortality and morbidity between and within populations, as well as the highly inequitable distribution of poor maternal health between and within populations globally and locally, result in “wicked” problems and present a major challenge as we seek to address these varying needs. The complex web of factors that interact to drive high levels of maternal mortality makes a systems approach particularly useful for gaining insight into, and addressing these issues. Increasingly, health planners and researchers are using systems thinking to make sense of health system functioning to reveal the dynamic relationships and synergies that drive maternal health and affect the delivery of priority health services This course aims to provide you with the competencies to work in this complex post- MDG/ SDG implementation environment. It is designed to focus on reducing maternal mortality, and employs a systems approach to explore maternal health issues and analyze programs focused on maternal mortality reduction. Through this course you will: -Gain substantive knowledge of issues related to: o Maternal health - in particular the reduction of maternal morbidity and mortality - including epidemiological and programmatic aspects as well as current discussions of related policies and politics. o Aspects of health systems strengthening– particular focus on issues of implementation, human resources for health, governance and accountability, quality of care, and health care financing as it relates to delivery of maternal health care. -Develop skills in: o Analyzing complex health systems, including the application of systems thinking tools o Developing an integrated health systems plan to address maternal mortality. The assignments are structured to allow you to pursue an area of maternal mortality of morbidity that is of direct interest to you, be it locally or globally, as well as apply the skills and content covered in the course to develop an integrated approach to addressing maternal mortality in a given country. While this course is intended for MPH students, students from other schools are encoura |
Web Site | Vergil |
Department | Population and Family Health |
Enrollment | 23 students (26 max) as of 4:05PM Saturday, March 29, 2025 |
Subject | Population and Family Health |
Number | P9675 |
Section | 001 |
Division | School of Public Health |
Open To | GSAS, Public Health |
Section key | 20251POPF9675P001 |