Spring 2025 Population and Family Health P8679 section 001

Investigative Methods in Complex Emergen


Call Number 16156
Day & Time
R 9:30am-11:20am
LL103 Armand Hammer Health Sciences Center
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Claire Greene
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description The design, implementation and evaluation of health interventions in complex emergencies requires a particular professional orientation and skill set. Students gain a greater understanding of the use of qualitative and quantitative methods tailored for this purpose. The course particularly emphasizes the complementary roles of qualitative and quantitative approaches to investigation. By the end of the class, students should be competent in a range of skills including sampling strategy, designing surveys, running focus groups and participative activities, calculating morbidity and mortality rates, and analyzing narrative text. Through group work, lectures, case studies and participatory assignments, students will develop a diverse skill set relevant to their future work in a range of field settings.
Web Site Vergil
Department Population and Family Health
Enrollment 46 students (44 max) as of 4:05PM Saturday, March 29, 2025
Subject Population and Family Health
Number P8679
Section 001
Division School of Public Health
Open To GSAS, Public Health
Note **Location exception(s): 2/6 meets in VEC 902/903
Section key 20251POPF8679P001