Spring 2025 Population and Family Health P8665 section 001

Global Sexual and Reproductive Health an


Call Number 16154
Day & Time
M 1:00pm-3:50pm
902 Vagelos Educ
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Lynn E Collins
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description The objective of this course is to examine key issues in global reproductive health (RH) in order to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in this field. Topics of study will include global architecture and power structures affecting global reproductive health and public health responses, the reproductive health of adolescents, fertility and infertility, abortion, maternal health, STIs, HIV, violence, men and gender, and the intersection of reproductive health with economic empowerment, and climate change. The course will examine the global framing of reproductive issues, explore programmatic responses, critique the measurement of key indicators and factors that influence RH outcomes, identify accountability mechanisms with the potential to shape global RH, and engage in current debates within the field and movement.

There are no pre-requisites, and students from across Mailman, and from other graduate schools at Columbia, are encouraged to register.
Web Site Vergil
Department Population and Family Health
Enrollment 17 students (34 max) as of 4:05PM Saturday, March 29, 2025
Subject Population and Family Health
Number P8665
Section 001
Division School of Public Health
Open To GSAS, Public Health
Section key 20251POPF8665P001