Call Number | 00008 |
Day & Time Location |
M 4:10pm-6:00pm 418 Barnard Hall |
Points | 3 |
Grading Mode | Standard |
Approvals Required | None |
Instructor | Paula A Franzese |
Type | LECTURE |
Course Description | Prerequisites: POLS W1201 or the equivalent. Not an introductory-level course. Not open to students who have taken the colloquium POLS BC3326. Enrollment limited to 25 students; L-course sign-up through eBear. Barnard syllabus. Explores seminal caselaw to inform contemporary civil rights and civil liberties jurisprudence and policy. Specifically, the readings examine historical and contemporary first amendment values, including freedom of speech and the press, economic liberties, takings law, discrimination based on race, gender, class and sexual preference, affirmative action, the right to privacy, reproductive freedom, the right to die, criminal procedure and adjudication, the rights of the criminally accused post-9/11 and the death penalty. (Cross-listed by the American Studies and Human Rights Programs.) |
Web Site | Vergil |
Department | Political Science @Barnard |
Enrollment | 0 students (55 max) as of 12:06PM Friday, March 28, 2025 |
Subject | Political Science |
Number | BC3521 |
Section | 001 |
Division | Barnard College |
Section key | 20253POLS3521X001 |