Summer 2025 Political Analytics PS5990 section 001

Independent Study

Call Number 10795
Points 1-3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Michael Schwam-Baird
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This one-semester course provides an opportunity for a student to extend or supplement their educational experience via a deep-dive into an established or novel area of research of their choice (the topic), under the guidance and supervision of a faculty member (the supervisor). An independent study course allows a student to work one-on-one with a faculty member to gain and contribute new insight into the discipline of Political Analytics.

The topic can be chosen freely by the student as long as it falls within the general realm of Political Analytics or its specific content areas in the Political Analytics curriculum, such as politics and advocacy, data analytics, campaign management, polling, and quantitative methods. The course will therefore serve the dual purpose of allowing a student to pursue their own intellectual curiosity and to make a contribution to the wider discipline of Political Analytics while also deepening their understanding of the content they acquired in other courses, by applying this material to the specific topic chosen for the Independent Study.

Web Site Vergil
Subterm 05/27-08/15 (X)
Department Political Analytics
Enrollment 1 student (5 max) as of 9:05PM Friday, March 28, 2025
Subject Political Analytics
Number PS5990
Section 001
Division School of Professional Studies
Section key 20252POAN5990K001