Fall 2023 Planning A4444 section 001

The Future City: Transforming Urban Infr


Call Number 18443
Day & Time
T 1:00pm-3:00pm
113 Avery Hall
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructors Kate J Ascher
Andrew W Smyth
Course Description

This course will introduce students to technological innovations that are helping cities around the world create healthier, safer, more equitable, and more resilient futures.

Its foundation is based in two sets of traditional disciplines – architecture, urban design, and real estate development, and structural, civil and mechanical engineering – but also incorporates newer areas of study – such as data analytics and smart communication technologies - that offer opportunities for major advances in the quality of municipal service delivery. The syllabus will cover five distinct sectors in the field of urban infrastructure: transportation and mobility, buildings, power, sanitation, and communications. For each sector, the nature and framework of current urban delivery systems will serve as the foundation for exploring a handful of key technologies in the process of changing – and in most cases radically improving – the ways the built environment can support the lives of city residents. Columbia students from diverse backgrounds will be motivated to help realize the promise of tomorrow’s “smart city” in terms of livability, safety and inclusion.

Course is open to all graduate students, and select seats are available for undergraduate students upon application.

This course is co-created between Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation and School of Engineering and Applied Science, is part of a University initiative to promote cross-school courses: https://provost.columbia.edu/news/provost-awards-grants-create-cross-school-courses


Web Site Vergil
Department Architecture, Planning and Preservation
Enrollment 77 students (200 max) as of 5:06PM Saturday, June 29, 2024
Subject Planning
Number A4444
Section 001
Division Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
Section key 20233PLAN4444A001