Fall 2024 Physical Therapy M9072 section 083

Medical Screening III

Call Number 19241
Points 2
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructors Michael Johnson
Jean Timmerberg
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This course during the final semester of the DPT III curriculum provides students with the continued development of medical screening concepts with a focus on the evaluation and assessment of patient cases/scenarios.  Using a patient case-based approach, this course will emphasize utilizing clinical decision making/differential diagnosis skills effectively and efficiently related to the concept of threshold detection to identify impairments or “red flags” in medical screening that warrant referral to other professionals. Using previously established examination schemes, students will evaluate patient data in order to select the next-best history question to ask or the next-best physical examination procedure to help rule out potential pathological processes. Existing medical screening guidelines will be reviewed and applied to the various cases-illustrating appropriate use of the guidelines and also potential limitations. Professional communication skills and strategies with patients/clients and physicians will be applied and practiced throughout the course. 

Web Site Vergil
Department Physical Therapy
Enrollment 64 students (75 max) as of 7:05PM Friday, March 28, 2025
Subject Physical Therapy
Number M9072
Section 083
Division College of Physicians and Surgeons: Physical Therapy
Section key 20243PHYT9072M083