Fall 2024 Physical Therapy M8863 section 083

Diagnostic Imaging

Call Number 19056
Points 1
Grading Mode Pass/Fail
Approvals Required None
Instructors Jean Timmerberg
Michael Johnson
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

To fully practice in a direct access setting, physical therapists must have the ability to order diagnostic imaging, when appropriate. Several states, such as Utah and Wisconsin, have sought and received approval for physical therapists to order diagnostic imaging and continued efforts to advance diagnostic imaging privileges are underway in additional states. Physical therapists in the U.S. military have effectively utilized diagnostic imaging privileges since the 1970s. Over the past 50 years, US military physical therapists have become the musculoskeletal provider of choice and nearly all practice in a true direct access setting.

In this session, a group of experienced military physical therapists will introduce attendees to the foundations and principles of diagnostic imaging as well as the procedures for ordering, interpreting, and integrating radiographic imaging results into clinical practice.   In addition, this course will emphasize the rationales and evidence-based guidelines to assist practitioners in the utilization of plain film radiography in clinical practice.  Clinical case reports will also be presented to reinforce concepts and provide practical applications of skills.  At the conclusion of this session, participants will be more comfortable ordering, viewing, and interpreting the results of diagnostic imaging studies.   

Web Site Vergil
Department Physical Therapy
Enrollment 44 students (82 max) as of 7:05PM Friday, March 28, 2025
Subject Physical Therapy
Number M8863
Section 083
Division College of Physicians and Surgeons: Physical Therapy
Section key 20243PHYT8863M083