Fall 2024 Physical Therapy M8100 section 081

Gross Anatomy

Call Number 19019
Points 7
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructors Stacy Kinirons
Robert L Evander
Jean Timmerberg
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This intensive 15-week course during the first term of the DPT curriculum provides students with detailed coverage of human anatomy through lecture and cadaver dissection. The focus of the course is on structure and the integral relationship between structure and function. A comprehensive understanding of normal structure and function provides the foundation for understanding abnormal structure and function. Both the lecture and laboratory components of the course are critical to success in the program and as a competent entry-level clinician.

This course uses a regional approach to study the gross anatomical structures of the human body, with emphasis on the musculoskeletal system and its associated vascular and neural elements. The structure of synovial joints and their soft tissue support systems will be addressed. The thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities will be explored. Aspects of structure and function as they relate to clinical correlates will be highlighted throughout the course.

Web Site Vergil
Department Physical Therapy
Enrollment 60 students (82 max) as of 7:05PM Friday, March 28, 2025
Subject Physical Therapy
Number M8100
Section 081
Division College of Physicians and Surgeons: Physical Therapy
Section key 20243PHYT8100M081