Fall 2024 Physical Education BC1550 section 001


Call Number 00818
Day & Time
MW 3:10pm-4:00pm
To be announced
Points 1
Grading Mode Pass/Fail
Approvals Required None
Instructor Laura Masone
Course Description A fitness course based on outdoor workouts. Includes walking, jogging and basic body weight training for cardiovascular, core, and muscular endurance. Students will visit locations both on and off campus for a variety of fitness activities. This course is designed for all fitness levels. Must be willing to workout in public spaces.
Web Site Vergil
Department Physical Education @Barnard
Enrollment 12 students (14 max) as of 2:07PM Monday, September 16, 2024
Subject Physical Education
Number BC1550
Section 001
Division Barnard College
Open To Barnard College
Note Classes start Mon 9/9. Meets in Barnard Annex, 2nd Floor
Section key 20243PHED1550X001