Spring 2023 Physical Education BC1535 section 003

Functional Fitness


Call Number 00728
Day & Time
TR 2:10pm-3:00pm
FFS Marcellus Hartley Dodge Physical Fitness Center
Points 1
Grading Mode Pass/Fail
Approvals Required None
Instructor India C Choquette
Course Description

A fitness course focused on multi-joint full body exercises to increase one’s functional capacity in daily life. Movement patterns such as the squat, hip hinge, push, and pull will be covered. Exercises are performed in all planes of motion with equipment such as kettlebells, sandbags, TRX bands, and medicine balls. This course is designed for all fitness levels and will gradually progress all students to reach an increased level of strength.


Web Site Vergil
Department Physical Education @Barnard
Enrollment 6 students (14 max) as of 5:08PM Saturday, September 7, 2024
Subject Physical Education
Number BC1535
Section 003
Division Barnard College
Open To Barnard College
Campus Barnard College
Note Classes start Tues 1/24. Must attend first class.
Section key 20231PHED1535X003