Summer 2024 Nursing N8119 section 001

Psychopharmacology for the Advanced Prac


Call Number 12354
Day & Time
F 10:00am-12:50pm
LL103 Armand Hammer Health Sciences Center
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Jennifer Furst
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This course is designed to build upon prior pharmacologic study to address advanced concepts in the clinical management of psychiatric symptoms. Students will critically analyze psychotropic interventions including but not limited to mechanisms of action, indications of use, dosing, side effects, drug-drug interactions, contraindications, and patient education. The use of psychotropic agents and complementary alternative medicine in relation to possible differential diagnoses is considered. Appropriate treatment across the patient lifespan, concurrent pathophysiology, chronic and acute medical conditions, multicultural influences, political and socioeconomic circumstances are also addressed.

Web Site Vergil
Department Nursing
Enrollment 30 students as of 9:05PM Friday, January 31, 2025
Subject Nursing
Number N8119
Section 001
Division School of Nursing: Graduate
Note Class meets in HSC LL204 on 6/7/2024
Section key 20242NURS8119N001