Fall 2024 Nursing N6308 section 005

Science of Nursing Practice with Childre


Call Number 18094
Day & Time
MF 8:00am-12:50pm
LL203 Armand Hammer Health Sciences Center
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Jeanne N Churchill
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This course focuses on nursing care of the child along the health-illness continuum. Core concepts of growth and development, well child care, family structure, environment, heredity, and psychosocial factors will serve as a basis for designing care. The child with acute, chronic, and life threatening illness will be covered as well as risk factors for morbidity and mortality. Nursing strategies to minimize stressors experienced by children and their families during illness will be presented. Key elements of spirituality, culture, socioeconomic status, and health beliefs will be examined.

Web Site Vergil
Department Nursing
Enrollment 37 students as of 2:07PM Monday, September 16, 2024
Subject Nursing
Number N6308
Section 005
Division School of Nursing: Graduate
Section key 20243NURS6308N005