Call Number | 12846 |
Day & Time Location |
M 11:10am-1:00pm ONLINE ONLY |
Points | 3 |
Grading Mode | Standard |
Approvals Required | None |
Instructor | Gregory Witkowski |
Type | LECTURE |
Method of Instruction | On-Line Only |
Course Description | This dual course is part of a partnership between Sciences Po and Columbia University. It brings together students from both institutions into a virtual environment to learn together from multiple perspectives in an English language course. In an era of unprecedented wealth, technological advancement, and global interdependence, we find ourselves confronted with global problems in which the different sectors (government, nonprofit and for profit) cannot adequately address broad societal issues on their own. What is needed is a cross-sectoral approach that recognizes the importance of a shared sense of the common good. Students will analyze how the pursuit of the common good requires addressing public attitudes, policy frameworks and institutional forms that shape the outcomes of critical societal issues. The sessions will be divided into two main blocks. The first part (five sessions) will provide the students with a solid theoretical and conceptual background to a cross-sectoral and transnational notion of the common good, its actors and their role in the social change landscape. A special focus will be placed on those organizations at the intersection of the nonprofit and for-profit sectors, including hybrid organizations, B Corporations, corporate social responsibility efforts as well as nonprofit organizations and philanthropists. The second part of the course focuses on in-depth analysis of the difficulty of addressing truly global challenges because of different cross-cultural understanding and interests among various institutional actors. This part of the course focuses topically on 1) racial and social justice and 2) climate change and the environment. Each will include a definition of the problem, a simulation, and a discussion of practical steps to advance better outcomes. Key to this dual course will be the use of cross geographical and cross-cultural examples. Interactive working group activities, simulations and group research work will be programmed through the sessions integrating Sciences Po and Columbia members in teams. Given the nature of the dual course it will be 100% virtual. This course will especially appeal to students interested in social change, global movements, and experience working with teams situated on different continents. This is an elective course with no prerequisites. |
Web Site | Vergil |
Department | Non Profit Management |
Enrollment | 6 students (10 max) as of 9:05AM Thursday, January 2, 2025 |
Subject | NonProfit Management |
Number | PS5310 |
Section | D01 |
Division | School of Professional Studies |
Section key | 20241NOPM5310KD01 |