Summer 2023 Pre-College Prog: Materials Science & Nanotechnology PS0226 section 001

Introduction to Material Science & Nanot

Material Science & Nanote

Call Number 10398
Day & Time
MTWRF 9:00am-12:30pm
711 Havemeyer Hall
Day & Time
MTWRF 3:10pm-5:00pm
711 Havemeyer Hall
Points 0
Grading Mode Ungraded
Approvals Required None
Instructor Luis A Avila
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

The progress of civilization is inscribed in the history of humans and their materials—the Stone Age, the Iron Age, and today’s Age of Plastics. Materials determine the technologies that provide protection, communication, information, construction, mechanization, agriculture, and health. Knowing why glass shatters, wood splinters, steel is tough, rubber stretches (and recovers), nylon can be drawn, and tin flattens makes possible the selection of materials for enormously different applications. Engineers are mostly successful at designing and manufacturing objects and devices, but on occasion there are catastrophic failures—bridges collapse, airplanes fall from the sky, containers leak, pipes burst, and the electrical grid goes down, leaving us cold and in the dark. And there are the annoying little failures—light bulbs burn out, clothes become permanently stained, foods spoil, and batteries die.

In this challenging course, participants experience a hands-on introduction to materials science, engineering, and technology, from the bulk properties of the solid state to the nanoscale properties of large and small molecules and single atoms. Special attention is given to nanoscale materials and devices because of their potential for defining the next generation of important materials and machines. It has been said that the nanoscale is the new frontier of science and technology.

Students investigate these worlds in a discovery-based environment, working under the guidance of an experienced instructor and a team of assistants, research scientists, and technologists from Columbia’s Department of Chemistry and from industry and national laboratories. The studio classroom format integrates laboratory and lecture and encourages teaching and learning especially useful to those considering undergraduate studies in engineering and science.

Web Site Vergil
Subterm 07/18-08/04 (L)
Department Pre-College Programs (SHSP)
Enrollment 28 students (32 max) as of 5:08PM Saturday, September 7, 2024
Subject Pre-College Prog: Materials Science & Nanotechnology
Number PS0226
Section 001
Division Professional Studies & Special Pgrms: Pre-College Programs
Campus Morningside
Fee $175 Materials Sci & Na
Note This course meets for 5.5 hours each day.
Section key 20232NANO0226N001