Spring 2025 Music BC3139 section 001


Call Number 00065
Day & Time
F 10:00am-1:00pm
405 Milbank Hall (Barnard)
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Coralie Gallet
Course Description This course is designed for developing singers. Group vocalizing, learning of songs and individual workshop performances are aimed at improving the students technical skill and the elements necessary to create a meaningful musical and dramatic experience. Attention to text, subtext, emotional and psychological aspects of a piece and the performers relationship to the audience are included in the work. Repertoire is predominantly in English and comes from both classical and popular traditions Individual coaching sessions are available with the class accompanist and help strengthen the students confidence and skill. The class culminates with an in-class performance.
Web Site Vergil
Department Music @Barnard
Enrollment 11 students (10 max) as of 1:06PM Friday, March 28, 2025
Status Full
Subject Music
Number BC3139
Section 001
Division Barnard College
Section key 20251MUSI3139X001