Spring 2024 Music GU4325 section 001

Topics in Music Cognition

Call Number 15030
Day & Time
W 4:10pm-6:00pm
622 Dodge Hall
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructors Mariusz Kozak
Christopher Peacocke
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This advanced seminar builds on the Introduction to Music Cognition (MUSIC UN2320) with an in-depth inquiry into selected key topics in the field of Music Cognition. Specific topics vary each year, depending on interest and availability of instructors, and include human development; evolution; communication and music’s relation to language; embodied knowledge; first-person awareness; metaphor; ineffability; neuroscience; mental representations; memory and anticipation; cross-cultural studies; emotions; musical aesthetics; artificial intelligence; agency; creativity; and music’s relation to other art forms. Each semester the course delves into recent research on 3–4 of these topics, focusing in particular on how this research can be applied to questions of musical knowledge. Advanced readings are drawn from fields as diverse as music theory, psychology, biology, anthropology, philosophy, and neuroscience. They include general works in cognitive science, theoretical work focused on specific musical issues, and reports of empirical research.

Web Site Vergil
Department Music
Enrollment 12 students (15 max) as of 9:05AM Thursday, January 2, 2025
Subject Music
Number GU4325
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Note Topics: Hearing Emotions in Music, Agency & Mental Rep in Pe
Section key 20241MUSI4325W001