Call Number | 19313 |
Points | 3 |
Grading Mode | Standard |
Approvals Required | None |
Instructor | Chris A Marianetti |
Type | LECTURE |
Method of Instruction | On-Line Only |
Course Description | Phenomenological theoretical understanding of vibrational behavior of crystalline materials; introducing all key concepts at classical level before quantizing the Hamiltonian. Basic notions of Group Theory introduced and exploited: irreducible representations, Great Orthogonality Theorem, character tables, degeneration, product groups, selection rules, etc. Both translational and point symmetry employed to block diagonalize the Hamiltonian and compute observables related to vibrations/phonons. Topics include band structures, density of states, band gap formation, nonlinear (anharmonic) phenomena, elasticity, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, optical properties, ferroelectricty. Illustrated using both minimal model Hamiltonians in addition to accurate Hamiltonians for real materials (e.g., Graphene) |
Web Site | Vergil |
Department | Video Network |
Enrollment | 1 student (99 max) as of 9:05PM Wednesday, March 12, 2025 |
Subject | Materials Science and Engineering |
Number | E4200 |
Section | V01 |
Division | School of Engineering and Applied Science: Graduate |
Fee | $395 CVN Course Fee |
Section key | 20243MSAE4200EV01 |