Spring 2024 Marketing B8679 section 002

Digital Marketing

Call Number 14539
Day & Time
TR 10:50am-12:20pm
890 Kravis Hall
Points 1.5
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Kinshuk Jerath
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description Digital marketing has become an essential component of any firms marketing strategy, but managers are still grappling with this medium which is continuously evolving as well. In this course, we will develop a systematic understanding of digital marketing by learning concepts and tools whose applicability will endure even as specific technologies and implementation procedures change. We will conduct an in-depth study of display advertising, search advertising and social media marketing, at both the tactical and strategic levels. We will invest a significant amount of time on outcome and effectiveness measurement methods and campaign evaluation metrics. Towards the end of the course, we will discuss a host of varied topics such as mobile marketing, media planning, privacy issues and digital ad fraud.
Web Site Vergil
Department MARKETING
Enrollment 64 students (74 max) as of 9:06AM Saturday, December 7, 2024
Subject Marketing
Number B8679
Section 002
Division School of Business
Open To Business, Engineering:Graduate, Journalism
Section key 20241MRKT8679B002