Fall 2024 Marketing B8613 section 001

Entrepreneurial Selling

Call Number 17096
Day & Time
M 2:20pm-5:35pm
Points 1.5
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Eric Baron
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description Entrepreneurs often find themselves in selling situations. Whether they are selling their products or services to a customer or prospect or they are selling their company and its potential to a possible investor, the reality is that to be a successful entrepreneur one must have a solid understanding of both the sales and sales management processes.Some entrepreneurs have natural selling skills and do it well. Others have learned to do it over time. Many dont even like to think about it. But the reality is that to be a successful entrepreneur; it is critical to know how to sell and to do it in a professional manner. Whether interacting with customers, prospects, PE firms venture capitalists, strategic partners or stockholders, anyone who runs their own business needs to know how to sell and to do it effectively and professionally. This course will teach a consultative selling model that can be applied to any selling situation. But the focus will be on entrepreneurial situations. Consultative selling suggests that the individual in the selling role acts more like a consultant and clearly determines the needs, problems, and opportunities of his or her customers before making recommendations. Consultative selling suggests bringing a problem-solving attitude to every customer interaction. And consultative selling suggests that individuals in the selling role are constantly bringing their customers new and innovative ideas in addition to the products and services that their companies provide. This is something entrepreneurs can do comfortably. The course will introduce the consultative selling model and the skills that make it work. Students will learn skills in five specific areas: interpersonal skills, communication skills, presentation skills, facilitation skills, and problem solving skills. They will learn about the dynamics of the sales call. They will learn how to build meaningful relationships. They will learn how to plan for their sales calls on a micro and macro level. They will learn how to effectively follow up their sales interactions.In addition, students will be introduced to concepts like team selling, making effective joint calls, prospecting, getting appointments on the telephone and leaving effective voice mail and e-mail messages. And they will be introduced to new ways to best utilize and leverage their resources.
Web Site Vergil
Department MARKETING
Enrollment 70 students (74 max) as of 12:05PM Thursday, January 2, 2025
Subject Marketing
Number B8613
Section 001
Division School of Business
Open To Business, Engineering:Graduate, Journalism
Section key 20243MRKT8613B001