Spring 2024 Management B8536 section 001

Strategy and Competition in Ph

Strategy and Competition

Call Number 14574
Day & Time
TR 10:50am-12:20pm
690 Kravis Hall
Points 1.5
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructors Cliff Cramer
Robert Essner
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description This course examines the strategic, technological, competitive, economic, organizational, and political challenges impacting the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. Critical issues to be examined include:* Strategies and process of discovering, developing, and the approval of new drugs and biologics;* Impact of government oversight and regulation;* Patents on pharmaceuticals and biologics; generics and “biosimilars”;* Franchise/ R&D portfolio management;* Drug pricing and third-party reimbursement, including design of prescription drug plans and PBMs/contracting;* Rx product life cycle management;* International/emerging markets – business strategies and growth prospects;* Vaccines – development, regulatory, pricing, distribution;* Orphan drugs – development, regulatory, pricing, patient advocacy;* Health policy/reform impacting this sector;* External growth strategies/ mergers & acquisitions in the biopharma sector .The course is cross-functional in its approach, focuses on “real-world” problems currently facing senior managers in this sector, and identifies emerging trends that will impact future performance of “Big Pharma” companies, as well as “small-cap” specialty pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms. This course will be useful for students interested in careers in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and health services, as well as management consulting, investment banking, equity research, venture capital, private equity, insurance, and investment management given the large and growing healthcare/ pharmaceutical practices of such firms. Some understanding and prior experience in the healthcare/pharma industry will be highly useful.
Web Site Vergil
Enrollment 65 students (74 max) as of 5:05PM Sunday, December 8, 2024
Subject Management
Number B8536
Section 001
Division School of Business
Open To Business, Engineering:Graduate, Journalism
Section key 20241MGMT8536B001