Spring 2024 Management B7541 section 100

Leadership Through Fiction

Leadership Through Fictio

Call Number 14795
Day & Time
MTWRU 9:00am-5:00pm
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Bruce H Craven
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description The following video was filmed in 2013 to describe 10 and 12-week versions of the course. While the format and certain readings have changed, viewing the video will give you some insight into the vision, purpose and pedagogy of the class.Video: https://vimeo.com/53370001This course will use fictional narratives (novels, plays, screenplays, television and feature films), supported by non-fictional texts, to evaluate a variety of challenges that face developing business leaders. The course will build the leadership resources of each student by offering them the opportunity to live through the experiences of literary, stage and screen characters, reflecting on how the characters successfully or unsuccessfully guide and motivate themselves and others toward desired goals. How are decisions made, how is the context evaluated, how is risk managed, how are internal values clarified, how are others motivated to follow, how -- when successful -- are the desired ends achieved...and when not achieved, what could have been done to reach the desired goals? This course is founded in the belief that the imaginative experience of interacting with narrative offers students a powerful and unique opportunity to prepare for future experiences, engaging in a visceral way with conflict that will prepare them for better decision-making and professional choices."
Web Site Vergil
Enrollment 20 students (72 max) as of 9:05PM Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Subject Management
Number B7541
Section 100
Division School of Business
Section key 20241MGMT7541B100