Spring 2024 Mechanical Engineering E4313 section 001

Decarbonizing Buildings Studio: Energy s

Building Energy Systems S

Call Number 11805
Day & Time
R 1:10pm-3:40pm
337 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Marc Zuluaga
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

Historical co-evolution of building energy systems and fuels. Classifying existing buildings into typologies that are a prevalent combination of building size, age, fuels, equipment, distribution, and zoning controls. Fuels, electricity, furnaces, boilers, heat pumps. Overview of common heat
and hot water distribution systems. Case-study based approach to evaluate retrofit options for each typology. Considerations of location, stagingupgrades, envelope efficiency, retrofit cost structure, paybacks with a view towards decarbonization.

Web Site Vergil
Department Mechanical Engineering
Enrollment 13 students (30 max) as of 4:06PM Sunday, December 1, 2024
Subject Mechanical Engineering
Number E4313
Section 001
Division School of Engineering and Applied Science: Graduate
Section key 20241MECE4313E001