Spring 2023 Japanese OC4202 section 001


Call Number 18526
Points 8
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Miyuki Nishimata
Method of Instruction On-Line Only
Course Description

Second Year Japanese II, JPNS4202OC, 4 points. You are required to take Second Year Japanese I, JPNS4201OC with this course.

Instructor: Kaori Nakata

The 2nd year Japanese program (JPNS4201OC & JPNS4202OC); 8 points or 2 semesters) is designed for those who have completed at least one year of college-level Japanese or the equivalent (around 150 hours of Japanese study).

Students who want to take this course are expected to be at least at the Novice-High level of the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Proficiency Guidelines at the beginning of the course. 

For a more detailed description, please follow the links provided:  ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines Novice: Speaking | Writing | Listening | Reading
(see the section of “NOVICE HIGH”)

This class will cover the entire Genki II (The Japan Times) and intermediate materials such as Hiyaku (Routledge). The coverage and materials will be contingent on the levels of students and finalized by the instructors.

The goal of this course is to achieve Intermediate-Mid level or higher proficiency according to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. Upon successful completion of the course, the students will:

  • have a command of basic Japanese grammar and vocabulary (equivalent to JLPT N5-N4);
  • be able to communicate with others effectively in Japanese in familiar situations/about familiar topics at a sentence-level;
  • understand written texts about familiar topics related to everyday life and personal interests in Japanese.

This class will cover the entire Genki II

Web Site Vergil
Department Global Programs
Enrollment 3 students (20 max) as of 9:07PM Thursday, October 17, 2024
Subject Japanese
Number OC4202
Section 001
Division Global Programs
Section key 20231JPNS4202O001