Summer 2023 Italian OC4490 section 001

Venice and Modernity: Venice

Call Number 11037
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Elizabeth Leake
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

ITAL4490OC Venice in Modernity: Venice in Film. 3 pointsPrerequisites: None

Instructor: Elizabeth Leake

This class will explore the city of Venice as it appears on screen and in real life. We'll sit in the cool of an air-conditioned classroom as we watch films from such directors as Woody Allen, Andrea Segre, Luchino Visconti and Silvio Soldini. Then we’ll explore the city ourselves to experience first-hand the settings for so many films. Among the many questions we’ll explore: Whose Venice are we seeing, that of the tourists or of the inhabitants? Why are so many love stories set in Venice? What about the “Venice” in Las Vegas? In California?

Requirements: active participation in all class discussions; midterm; and final in-class exam.

Discussions in English, films with Italian with English subtitles, readings available in English and Italian.

Counts toward the Italian Major/Concentration at Columbia.

To enroll in this course, you must apply to the Columbia in Venice program through the Center for Undergraduate Global Engagement (UGE). Global Learning Scholarships available. Tuition charges apply.

Please note the program dates are different from the Summer Term A & B dates. 



Web Site Vergil
Department Global Programs
Enrollment 4 students (20 max) as of 5:08PM Saturday, September 7, 2024
Subject Italian
Number OC4490
Section 001
Division Global Programs
Section key 20232ITAL4490O001