Fall 2024 International Affairs U6576 section 001

Data and Conflict

Call Number 16368
Day & Time
T 11:00am-12:50pm
402B International Affairs Building
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Sophia Dawkins
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This course equips students for humanitarian, human rights, foreign policy, and political risk jobs that require real-time interpretation and analysis of conflict data. The course will introduce students to contemporary open-source data about conflict events, fatalities, forced displacement, human rights violations, settlement patterns in war zones, and much more. Students will learn about how these data are generated, what they reveal, what they obscure, and the choices analysts can make to use conflict data transparently in the face of biases. Then, students will learn introductory skills to visualize conflict data in R and ArcGIS Pro. The objective is to give students the foundations to go further independently after the course using open-source training material and trouble-shooting portals. Each student will choose a conflict-related policy problem they will investigate.

Web Site Vergil
Department International and Public Affairs
Enrollment 24 students (25 max) as of 9:05PM Monday, March 10, 2025
Subject International Affairs
Number U6576
Section 001
Division School of International and Public Affairs
Open To Architecture, Schools of the Arts, Business, Engineering:Graduate, GSAS, SIPA, Journalism, Law, Public Health, Professional Studies, Social Work
Section key 20243INAF6576U001