Spring 2025 International Affairs U6508 section 001

Using Big Data to Develop Public Policy

Big Data to Develop Pub Policy

Call Number 15858
Day & Time
T 6:10pm-8:00pm
510A International Affairs Building
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Francesco Brindisi
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

Prerequisites: SIPA U6500 Data are a critical resource for understanding and solving public policy challenges. This course provides an applied understanding of data analytics tools and approaches to policy. This course is designed to bridge the gap between the statistical theory and real-world challenges of using data in public policy. The course leverages the DATA2GO.NYC data set. DATA2GO.NYC was developed with the intention of empowering community members to understand the areas in which they work, play, and live by providing open access to aggregated city data. You will use the data set to conduct the in-depth analysis of an issue and ultimately develop a policy proposal or policy evaluation.

Web Site Vergil
Department International and Public Affairs
Enrollment 10 students (25 max) as of 9:05PM Monday, March 10, 2025
Subject International Affairs
Number U6508
Section 001
Division School of International and Public Affairs
Open To SIPA
Section key 20251INAF6508U001