Fall 2024 International Affairs U6412 section 001

State and Society in the Developing Worl

State & Soc - Developing World

Call Number 16202
Day & Time
W 9:00am-10:50am
407 International Affairs Building
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Maria Victoria Murillo
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This lecture course presents different political economy perspectives on the dynamics between state and society involved in governance around the efforts at sustainable development or other goals to improve how each society defines their wellbeing. This course requires familiarity with basic social science theories and methods and the core readings are all scholarly work from the social sciences and mostly political science. The course emphasizes comparative methods and introduces students to a wide range of social science theories applied to different issues, which have important effects in the policymaking process of developing countries.

Web Site Vergil
Department International and Public Affairs
Enrollment 16 students (40 max) as of 9:05PM Monday, March 10, 2025
Subject International Affairs
Number U6412
Section 001
Division School of International and Public Affairs
Open To Architecture, Schools of the Arts, Business, Engineering:Graduate, GSAS, SIPA, Journalism, Law, Public Health, Professional Studies, Social Work
Section key 20243INAF6412U001