Spring 2025 International Affairs U6383 section 001

Foundations of Cyber Conflict

Found. of Cyber Conflict

Call Number 10403
Day & Time
T 4:10pm-6:00pm
411 International Affairs Building
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Jason Healey
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This class examines the dynamics of cyber conflict. We will focus less on the technology of cyberspace than the national security threats, challenges, and policy responses including lessons from history and other kinds of conflict. After taking this course, you will understand about the Internet and Internet-based attacks; how cyber conflicts unfold at the tactical and strategic levels; how cyber conflicts and cyber power are different or similar to conflict and power in other domains; the evolution of US cyber policies and organizations; as well as legal issues and the policies and organizations of other nations. The centerpiece of the course is an exercise to reinforce the fundamentals of national security response to a major cyber incident. Accordingly, you will demonstrate the ability to formulate policy recommendations in the face of the uncertainties of an unfolding cyber conflict.

Web Site Vergil
Department International and Public Affairs
Enrollment 20 students (25 max) as of 9:05PM Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Subject International Affairs
Number U6383
Section 001
Division School of International and Public Affairs
Open To Architecture, Schools of the Arts, Business, Engineering:Graduate, GSAS, SIPA, Journalism, Law, Public Health, Professional Studies, Social Work
Section key 20251INAF6383U001