Call Number | 16175 |
Day & Time Location |
W 2:10pm-4:00pm 409 International Affairs Building |
Points | 3 |
Grading Mode | Standard |
Approvals Required | None |
Instructor | Allan M Malz - e-mail, homepage |
Type | LECTURE |
Method of Instruction | In-Person |
Course Description | Pre-requisite Courses: SIPAU6500 - Quantitative Analysis I, and SIPAU6200 – Accounting or INAFU6022 – Economics of Finance or equivalent. The development of quantitative risk management by the financial industry has gone hand-in-hand with the growth of quantitative approaches to financial regulation. Since the global financial crisis, the interactions between industry best practices and regulation have grown even closer, reflecting both lessons learned (or not), the widening scope of regulation, and the now-central role of financial risk in the public policy agenda. This course applies risk management principles within the context of public policy, presenting market, liquidity, and credit risk measurement techniques employed by banks and other intermediaries, along with their drawbacks and limitations. To help understand current approaches to risk management practice and regulation, the course examines financial market behavior in both normal times and crises, the treatment of firms and debt in bankruptcy—especially how it differs for financial firms—the role of securitization in the financial system, and the roles of leverage and of market and funding liquidity in times of calm and distress. The course focuses on intuition and understanding, conveying quantitative and technical material primarily through graphical and numerical examples, while also introducing students to sources of financial and statistical data. It aims to provide students with:
The course will largely consist of lectures, but students are encouraged to interrupt with questions, comments, and to share perspectives from their professional experience. |
Web Site | Vergil |
Department | International and Public Affairs |
Enrollment | 22 students (30 max) as of 9:05PM Monday, March 10, 2025 |
Subject | International Affairs |
Number | U6098 |
Section | 001 |
Division | School of International and Public Affairs |
Section key | 20243INAF6098U001 |