Fall 2024 International Affairs U4409 section 001

Political, Social, and Economic Developm

Pol, Soc & Econ Devp-Brazil I

Call Number 16126
Day & Time
W 6:10pm-8:00pm
802 International Affairs Building
Points 1.5
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Sidney N Nakahodo
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This course is a practicum designed to discuss major economic, political, and social problems of contemporary Brazil with leading analysts, activists, business leaders, and public figures. The course is unusual in its reliance upon a stream of outside speakers rather than on a fixed syllabus and set of lectures by the instructor only. Former participants include cabinet members, senior representatives of international organizations, academics, civil society activists, and other world-class experts. During the Fall term, we will primarily focus on economic and financial issues while addressing social and political factors. We also prioritize a practitioner’s perspective, using Brazil as a reference to discuss challenges that developing nations face in their development path.

Web Site Vergil
Department International and Public Affairs
Enrollment 8 students (25 max) as of 9:05PM Monday, March 10, 2025
Subject International Affairs
Number U4409
Section 001
Division School of International and Public Affairs
Note The course meets on alternating weeks throughout the semeste
Section key 20243INAF4409U001