Fall 2024 Information and Knowledge Strategy PS5992 section D01



Call Number 14473
Day & Time
R 8:10pm-10:00pm
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Benjamin P Royce
Method of Instruction On-Line Only
Course Description

OVERVIEW: Artificial Intelligence is one of the most important technological developments in decades and has already begun to demonstrate significant improvements in healthcare, military, finance, retail, and the arts. In this class we will cover an intro to artificial intelligence with a specific lens on how knowledge driven organizations can benefit from AI. This course is not a coding or a computer science course, but does touch on high level concepts in statistics, data science, and software engineering, though no experience is necessary in these fields.

CONTENT & OBJECTIVES: You will learn how AI works, what are the best and worst use cases for AI, and the implications of implementing AI. As exciting as this space can be, there are real risks, ethical considerations, and new challenges that we will cover and discuss. By the end of the course, you will have a clear understanding of the possibilities with AI, how to implement AI in a knowledge driven organization, and the global nature of this technology. You will build on previous coursework of knowledge strategy and learn how AI accelerates knowledge management including search ranking, content recommendations, and people analytics.

LOGISTICS: Class meets once a week.

Web Site Vergil
Department Information & Knowledge Strat
Enrollment 50 students (50 max) as of 12:06PM Friday, March 28, 2025
Status Full
Subject Information and Knowledge Strategy
Number PS5992
Section D01
Division School of Professional Studies
Note Online; Available to all gradaute students
Section key 20243IKNS5992KD01