Summer 2023 Information and Knowledge Strategy PS5305 section D01

The Science of Communities and Networks


Call Number 10968
Day & Time
R 6:10pm-9:00pm
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Katrina Pugh
Method of Instruction On-Line Only
Course Description

For-profit and nonprofit organizations, alike, are embracing networks to share insights and data, act as a voting block, serve customers, foster pluralism, and innovate. For example, realtor COMPASS, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, and electric cooperatives are all leveraging networks. The ideas of “open” and “collective” are no longer seen as a rarified university experiment. Now these present a viable means for a growing number of purposes: get to market faster, thwart climate change, clean the oceans, and find cures to intractable diseases.


“The Science of Communities and Networks” presents the structure, impacts, and practical work of networks. There are many different forms of network, varying in size, shape and purpose. Yet there are some common practices and behavior models that trace their origins back to the science of the human brain, evolution and social and behavioral psychology. We will use the Knowledge Network Effectiveness Framework, a logic model flowing backwards from outcomes, to individual and social behavior, to dynamics, to design. Our lenses will also include social network analysis (SNA), complex spreading phenomena, behavioral insights, and cooperation. These lenses we bring to discuss practical cases in each of several network forms:


  • social networks
  • communities of practice (or knowledge-networks),
  • open source,
  • open data, and
  • open innovation.


Students will envision, diagnose and design networks for “cooperative advantage.” We will do that while considering that networks operate in the context of human bias, social influence, sustainability challenges, and technology advancement.  

Web Site Vergil
Subterm 05/22-06/30 (A)
Department Information & Knowledge Strat
Enrollment 20 students (30 max) as of 9:07PM Thursday, October 17, 2024
Subject Information and Knowledge Strategy
Number PS5305
Section D01
Division School of Professional Studies
Campus Morningside
Note Online only; Available to all graduate students; Summer A
Section key 20232IKNS5305KD01